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Events (year around)

This page will be updated periodically when I set up, change or update Events.

Year 2024 

Visit my Facebook page to get the latest

News and Upcoming News

Thanks for your Interest in Sara's Learning Disability Program 





During the start of my business, being inspired by Alex and Leila Hormozi. I started from what i knew, which was creating a fundraiser so SLDP can obtain supports and subscribers for the program and cause. 

2022 of November -2024  of June  

Testing Period 

During this year and few months, through Supports I've been able to spread the word to Arkansas Communities on what SLDP is, the cause and expected impact we strive to meet. The goal is to get SLDP Fun Packages in more peoples hands and turn the tide to the struggle of citizens struggling with spelling words, fluent reading difficulty, comprehension of what's read and physical writing capability of such students and adults. 

October 26th 2024 

 Gospel Temple Baptist Church 

2420 Wolfe St. Little Rock Ar. 

1pm - 2:30pm 

Pre- Launch for SLDP Fun Packages Where I'll be discussing

  • what my program is

  • what it offer (products & services)

  • Exclusive Purchase (same-day availability during launch ONLY )

  • Pre-Orders 

2024 -2025


SLDP is striving to obtain more individual families and Arkansas Organizations to use the resources we offer. "Let's Chat!" 

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